Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 14/Blog 1: Online Social Media


For a craft or handmade business such as the one I envision, the best social media sites are Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and, of course, my blog which will include my travels and the international purchases made for the business.  These would be best types of social media for us to use in the beginning in order to grow our customer base.  We would augment these with print ads and mass mailings within the local area and contacts with businesses that might like to carry our products.  Since my daughter and I would be the business, the manufacturers and such, I would need to make sure that she is fully capable of handling these three types of social media-she’s not very well versed in them as it is now.  However, we must be able to communicate with our clients as fast as possible in order to build up the clientele and keep the good reputation of our business. 

I thought I might create a new Linked In page for the business (so as not to confuse my full time job with this one).  This could lead to engagement with possible business partners, investors or venture capitalists.

As the business grows, I would investigate other forms of social media.  As we currently have no income from our business yet, and thus no budget, we need to keep expenditures down so we may try some Google AdWords to begin and use Analytics to uncover where our customers are coming from and thus put direct our funds into the areas that might direct more customer traffic to our pages hopefully to order our products. 

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