Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 9 – Blog 1: How personal should your business blog be?


A little bit your personality and a few personal items about you would be helpful in a business blog.  Telling some of your likes/dislikes, maybe giving a little bit of a background on how and why you started your business and some other basic items would help your customers, future customers  and business associates realize that there is an actual person behind the business and the blog and maybe have them come to think of you as a friend., someone they would like to see become successful.   

A few small business blogs I’ve read have included photos of themselves, and their pets.  Have incfluded stories about their pets, usually funny anecdotes or how the pet “got in the way” while they were trying to work or "guard" the business.  Sometimes they mention achievements, or as I put in mine, a trip I took that included purchasing some unique fabrics for my business. 

You don’t want to weigh down your customers with your personal feelings, moods, hardships, problems and so on.  You want to inform your customers of new items or services, maybe mention that you are thinking of doing something and would like their input (or use a survey).  This would engage your customers and make them feel they are assisting you in the growth of your business.   You could also ask them to let you know if they have an idea of something they would like to see you do. 

A good phrase to remember when writing your blog is K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid.  Don’t get too technical, but don’t be too basic either.  You need to find a good middle ground as you don’t want to “speak” to far above your customers nor do you want them to feel that you are talking down to them (making them feel stupid). 


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